We offer advanced energy and waste solutions. 
Emission-free waste management and electricity generation.

We can protect the environment together.

The processing plant is environmentally friendly and may be included electric vehicles charging station with ​restaurant and shop.


How it works ?

The device is constructed on the basis of continuous, fractional and recombination thermal processing. In a hermetically sealed reactor, without access to atmospheric oxygen, molecular destruction and restructuring of high molecular complex spatial structures and their fractionation occur in a reducing environment, not by combustion, but only by increasing temperatures (in the range of 500 to 800 °C).
The high efficiency and effectiveness of this process is enhanced by multicyclic molecular destruction and partial fractional distillation. Classical pyrolysis cannot do this without multicyclic destruction and restructuring of molecules. Multicyclic molecular destruction with subsequent fractionation has a positive impact on the quality of the gas and liquid fraction and increasing their yield.


Our technology is for rental only. ​Our exclusive partner for the management and conclusion of rental agreements is Hello Green Foundation.


The input cannot contain glass and metals and have to be shredded to maximum 30x30x30mm form.
The input can be municipal waste, tires, plastics, wood chips, biomass, ​sewage sludge, ​oil soaked waste, hospital waste. We will be pleased to test any kind of waste and upgrade our technology to different waste types including hazardous waste.


The delivery is 3 - 12 months and depends on your order contents and actual supply chain deliveries terms and will be specified before your order.


The output may be electricity only or recycled oil, gas (used for processing) and carbon dust usable as fertilizer.